Use Fennel For Digestive Problems

  1. People who often complain of digestive problems like flatulence, constipation and indigestion are likely to have weak digestion. They need to watch the types food they eat and also take liver tonics to detoxify the liver. For a natural cure, one can have fennel, which is an excellent natural treatment for flatulence.

                     Fennel helps absorbing excesss gas produced in the body and reduces the feeling of pressure, thereby  preventing belching or passing of gas.It is good for children and reduces colic pain in babies.

    Fennel seeds are mostly eaten after meals and make for great mouth fresheners. They can be sprinkled on soups and salads to enhance the flavour. Essential oils in fennel stimulate the secretion of the digestive and gastric juices, reducing inflammation of stomach and intestines, and help absorb nutrients from food. Due to its basic properties, it also helps to control acidity. Fennel is also an appetiser. When used in powered form, fennel seeds act as laxative, thus helping maintain proper peristaltic movement of the intestines and proper excretion. Fennel has anti-bacterial properties too and it also acts as a disinfectant because of certain components found in the essential oils present in it. Some amino acids like histidine aid digestion and the proper functioning of digestive system, thus helping to cure diarrhoea.

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